How to Clean a Purse from Goodwill: Revamp Your Thrift Store Find

Wondering how to clean a purse from Goodwill? You’ve come to the right place. If you’ve recently purchased a purse from Goodwill, it’s essential to clean it properly to ensure it looks and feels as good as new. This step-by-step guide will walk you through the process.

Things You’ll Need: How to Clean a Purse from Goodwill

How to Clean a Purse from Goodwill Step by Step

Follow the steps below to clean a purse from Goodwill step by step…

Step 1: Empty the Purse

Before you even think about adding water or cleaning agents, it’s crucial to empty out every single pocket, zippered compartment, and hidden nook of your purse. The reason for this thorough emptying is simple: you want to ensure that nothing inside gets damaged or wet during the cleaning process.

What to Do

Open every zipper and clasp. Don’t forget about any hidden or interior pockets.

Remove all items. This includes obvious things like your wallet and keys, but also less obvious items like pens, coins, or even stray pieces of paper or receipts.

Double-check to make sure the purse is completely empty. Shake it upside down over a table or sink to remove any small items you might have missed.

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Step 2: Vacuum the Interior

Before introducing any liquid cleaners, it’s advisable to remove loose particles that could turn into stubborn stains when wet. This is where your vacuum cleaner comes in handy.

How to Do It

Attach a nozzle or crevice tool to your vacuum cleaner. This attachment allows you to focus the suction on small, hard-to-reach areas.

Turn on the vacuum cleaner and gently run the nozzle along the inside lining of your purse. Pay special attention to corners and seams where debris tends to accumulate.

After vacuuming, give the purse another shake to dislodge any particles that the vacuum might have missed. If necessary, repeat the vacuuming process.

Step 3: Prepare a Cleaning Solution

While it might be tempting to use any available soap, a mild detergent or specialized purse cleaner is preferable. The wrong kind of soap could damage the material of your purse or lead to soap stains.

Mixing the Solution

Fill a small bowl with warm — not hot — water. Hot water could affect the color and texture of your purse’s material.

Add a few drops of mild detergent or a specialized purse cleaner into the warm water.

Stir the solution gently until it forms a consistent, soapy mixture.

Before you proceed with cleaning, dip a cotton swab into the soapy water and test it on an inconspicuous area of your purse. If the material reacts well without any color bleeding or other adverse effects, you’re good to go.

Step 4: Test a Small Area

Testing the cleaning solution on a hidden area of your purse isn’t just good practice—it’s essential. This preliminary step helps you avoid unwanted surprises like color bleeding, discoloration, or even material damage that could ruin the look of your purse.

How to Properly Test

Identify an inconspicuous area on your purse where any potential damage won’t be readily visible. This could be the bottom of the purse or a small corner inside one of the pockets.

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Dip a cotton swab or a corner of a soft cloth into your prepared cleaning solution.

Gently dab the swab or cloth onto the hidden area.

Wait a few minutes to see if there are any adverse reactions, such as changes in color or material texture.

If no adverse effects are visible, you’re ready to proceed to the next step. If there is an issue, you might have to re-evaluate your cleaning solution or technique.

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Step 5: Clean the Exterior

Cleaning the exterior of your purse isn’t just about making broad strokes. You need to pay attention to details like corners, seams, and any design embellishments, as these are often the areas that collect the most dirt and grime.

The Cleaning Process

Dip a soft cloth or sponge into your approved cleaning solution.

Wring out the excess liquid to avoid oversaturating your purse.

Gently wipe the exterior surfaces, starting from the top and working your way down.

Focus on corners, seams, handles, and any design elements that may be particularly dirty.

Use circular or linear motions depending on the material and construction of your purse to ensure you’re effectively lifting the dirt away.

Step 6: Rinse and Dry

Rinsing is vital for removing any soap residue that could attract more dirt in the future or leave unsightly marks.

How to Rinse and Dry

Rinse your soft cloth or sponge under clean, running water until all soap is removed.

Wring out the cloth or sponge to remove excess water.

Gently wipe down all the areas you cleaned to remove any lingering soap residue.

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Pat the purse dry with a clean, absorbent towel. Make sure to blot rather than rub to avoid damaging the material.

To expedite the drying process, you can hang the purse in an area with good air circulation. Avoid direct sunlight or heat sources, as they could fade or damage the material.

Step 7: Condition the Leather (If Applicable)

If your purse is made of leather, don’t skip this step. Leather is a natural material that can dry out or lose its luster over time. Applying a leather conditioner helps maintain its integrity, prevents cracking, and restores its original sheen.

How to Condition

Choose a high-quality leather conditioner. Check the label to ensure it’s appropriate for the type of leather your purse is made of.

Read the product’s instructions carefully. Different conditioners have different application methods and drying times.

Apply a small amount of the conditioner to a clean, soft cloth.

Gently rub the conditioner into the leather in a circular motion, covering all areas but avoiding any non-leather parts like fabric lining or metal hardware.

Allow the conditioner to absorb into the leather as per the product’s instructions. This could range from a few minutes to a couple of hours.

Wipe away any excess conditioner with a clean cloth.

Step 8: Air Dry

Air drying is the most gentle way to remove moisture from your purse without causing damage. It’s critical to let the purse dry completely before using it again to prevent mildew and odors.

Steps to Properly Air Dry

After cleaning and, if applicable, conditioning, open all the compartments and pockets to allow for maximum air circulation.

Find a dry, well-ventilated area to place your purse for drying. This could be an indoor area with good air flow or an outdoor spot in the shade.

Avoid direct sunlight or placing the purse near a heat source, such as a heater or radiator, as this can cause the colors to fade and the material to deteriorate.

Allow sufficient time for the purse to air dry. This could take anywhere from a few hours to a full day, depending on the material and the level of moisture.

Check the purse carefully to ensure it is completely dry before using or storing it. Any remaining moisture can lead to mildew or odors.

Conclusion: How to Clean a Purse from Goodwill

Cleaning a purse from Goodwill doesn’t have to be a daunting task. With these simple steps, you can easily restore your thrift store find to its former glory. Happy cleaning!

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